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Unlocking our client's growth
potential and profitability
through process innovation

Process Research & Optimization
Process Research & Optimization's work related to process re-design across all lines of business and shared services leading to step-change transformation and optimization around process complexity reduction, cost controls, cycle time and revenue gains.

Philosophy and Business Model

PRO always starts with technolgy-neutral process analysis and design as the first and most pragmatic ROI-based improvement step.

PRO has created the largest knowledge-base of leading process templates across all major industries and shared services functions.

Implementation resulting in bottom-line results is our differentiation and, when combined with the ability to simulate and optimize processes, allows PRO to guarantee that project benefits cover our fees on every phase of every project.
Start Your Free Trial

PRO’s Customer Experience Journey Mapping is the most comprehensive approach to end-to-end, in-depth process analysis:

  • PRO’s research validates that optimization requires capturing input from all internal and external “customers” of a process.
  • CJM captures a customer’s entire end-to-end experience...every key identify pain points, “moments of truth” and revenue opportunities.
  • CJM, a psychographic map, captures key customers’ process insights, “thinking and feeling” at every point.
  • CJM simultaneously captures all underlying processes, enabling customers to understand causality across up- and down-stream channels

Net Promoter Scores indicate Total Lifetime Value of satisfied and engaged customers is 3 – 8 times higher for most companies using CJM as a core competency Continuous Improvement Tool

Every “layer” of your “Business Architecture” - Strategies, Organizations, People, Technology –is critical, but the Process Layer “Orchestrates/ Optimizes” all the others.


PRO has built the world’s largest knowledge base of best practice digital process templates across all major industries and functional disciplines.


While every process model must be customized for specific client needs and strategies, it’s powerful to start with pre-built, automation-ready templates.


Every template contains Best Practice Workflows, Benchmark Metrics and Opportunities that drive continuous innovation and improvement.
Adopting Best Practices and Benchmark Metrics drives guaranteed self-funding on every project.